So this weekend I’ll set off on my next adventure.
First I’ll be flying into Istanbul, Turkey. The city where the European and Asian continents meet.
Two and a half days (3 nights) exploring Istanbul’s city wonders.
Then on Tuesday morning, off to northern Cyprus for a further four nights.
Besides the holiday, my reasons for travelling to Cyprus are to attend an astrophotography workshop with landscape/astrophotographer Esen Tunar, as stated by the previous links on my page.
We’ll be working mostly around Kyrenia and Karpaz, exploring the coastal mountains, beaches and sand dunes.
I’ll be pushing my camera equipment to its limits, using wide open aperture, long exposure and ISO light compensation to photograph the night sky and the milky way (as well as the landscape).
During the workshop we will hopefully be witnessing the Perseid meteor shower.
All of the above should make for an incredible holiday and some pretty spectacular photographs.
For the tech heads out there, here is a list and a photo of the basic equipment I’ll be using.
-Samsung NX3000 CSC 20.3MP Camera.
-Samsung OIS 16-50mm f/3.5 zoom lens.
-Samsung OIS 50-200mm f/4.0 telephoto zoom lens
The newest additions to my collection are more specifically for astrophotography.
-Rokinon 12mm f/2.0 super wide angle manual prime lens.
-Samsung 30mm f/2.0 prime lens.
Other equipment includes tripods, spare batteries, and Samsung Galaxy S3 as remote viewfinder/shutter release.
Stay tuned as I’ll be posting the odd photo during my trip, and more after I’m back in London on the 16th.